Veterinary practices around Australia weather incredible challenges and opportunities. As pet ownership increased throughout 2021 so did the workload for veterinary teams. Furthermore, as the increase in client numbers helped boost revenue it has also created an opportunity for practices to maintain the momentum and growth as we move into 2022.
We recently held a session on ‘The Game of Inches’ with Nigel Collin where we looked at a very simple but achievable process to creating a sustainable practice and more importantly an approach to help practices maintain the momentum that has been gathered in 2021. Nigel has had the opportunity of working with and interviewing hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders and one of the things that stands out again and again is these individuals ability to understand the importance of the little things. It’s the small things you do, those little changes, those daily innovations that make the biggest difference. When you take a breath and look at how to keep the momentum and growth moving into 2022 this approach is really important because big results often come from small changes rather than huge transformational ones.
During our session with Nigel we got quite practical. We worked through a plan on a page and a step by step methodology of how to identify the little things, those small changes and innovations that don’t take a lot of time, don’t take a lot of risk or expense, but really pay a massive dividend. Imagine the impact of each vet in your practice having an additional 30 minutes of patient time per day, five days a week, 48 weeks a year? That’s 120 hours per vet per year. What revenue could you generate with this time or in contrast, how could you spend that 120 hours if you could start work a bit later or finish a bit earlier? Through the session, we stepped through the four actions profitable businesses adopt to embrace innovation daily. We also heard case-studies and stories from successful entrepreneurs and business owners, some of whom created success well outside their area of education and experience.
Maintaining and optimising the current growth from 2021 into 2022 will be a goal for many. This session offered a breath of fresh air and a practical approach for anyone looking to make the most of 2022.
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